Petcare Market
The pet health, pet hotels, pet grooming and petcare (including smart devices and insurance) business is growing at more than 4%. Learn about the key data and drivers from our market report.

The pet health, pet hotels, pet grooming and petcare (including smart devices and insurance) business is growing at more than 4%. Learn about the key data and drivers from our market report.
An assortment of vegan (and vegetarian) petfoods are currently available in the market. We examine their penetration, headwinds to acceptance and nutrition/health challenges for and against their acceptance in caring for out four-legged family members. Request our report using the form below
Examples of vegan petfoods available on the market are presented here.
The Petfood market is experiencing an explosion of products for (mostly) dogs. We have commissioned a market-wide study to examine for key areas and the report is ready for purchase. Contact us today to purchase your copy and partner with us for expert co-pilot in your formulation strategies. Topics covered:
See examples of current petfood brands with insect material